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ICC-ES Approved Solutions

Design with confidence

The world’s first structural steel clamping systems approved for use in all Seismic Design Categories and compliant with the IBC.

Our ICC-ES approved products are grouped into two categories:

Girder Clamp: The world’s first and only structural steel clamping system that is approved by ICC-ES (International Code Council Evaluation Service) and compliant with the IBC (International Building Code). As a verified alternative to high-strength bolt assemblies prescribed in AISC 360, the Girder Clamp (Types AF and AAF) may be used to resist axial tension and slip due to load combinations that include wind load or seismic load in all Seismic Design Categories A, through F.

Hollo-Bolt®: Another ‘world’s first’ - invented by Lindapter and launched in 1995, the original expansion bolt for structural steel is also approved by ICC-ES for use as a structural connection in all Seismic Design Categories A to F. This labor-saving ‘blind bolt’ is designed for connecting structural steel to Hollow Structural Section (HSS) or other steel members where access is difficult or restricted to one side.

Download the latest technical documents here
image of icc es approved products page main image english

Design with

• Fully compliant with the International Building Code 

• True FASTER alternative to welding or bolting 

• Girder Clamp meets the requirements of AISC 360, 341 and ASCE/SEI 7 

• Hollo-Bolt meets the requirements of AISC 360, AISC 341 and AISI S-100.

• Approved for structural and seismic designs


Download the latest technical documents here:


For Type AF and Type AAF


For Hollo-Bolt (all types)

Get in touch with our technical support team

If you have any files that complement your technical request please attach them.

Faster to Install

No drilling or welding!

Independently Approved

Reasons to choose Lindapter

  • Save time and money

    Save time and money

    Clamping two steel sections together avoids time-consuming welding or conventional drilling and bolting.

  • Safer connections

    Safer connections

    Drilling and welding in the field is avoided, removing the need for hot work permits and encouraging safer site conditions.

  • High strength

    High strength

    Lindapter clamps are manufactured from high strength materials to resist high load requirements and harsh environments.

  • Industry leading approvals

    Industry leading approvals

    Lindapter has earned a reputation synonymous with safety and reliability, gaining multiple independent approvals.

  • Adjustable


    Quickly align steel sections by sliding the section into the correct position before tightening the Girder Clamp to complete the installation.

  • Free connection detailing

    Free connection detailing

    Lindapter’s experienced Engineers can detail a custom connection based on your specific requirements free of charge.

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